Centralized Grower Master for an Agriculture Manufacturer




250 - 499




MDM Implementation Service


Master Data Management




AGDATA provides data and analytical services to agricultural crop protection and animal health manufacturers, including outsourced database management, marketing program administration, data collection, and data analysis services.


Agdata serves the landscape of crop inputs and animal health industries across the US and Canada. This means catering to the needs of manufacturers, distributors, and retailers of all scales. By delivering clean, accurate, and actionable sales and inventory data, Agdata empowers its clients to proactively make informed decisions and seize opportunities.

Every transaction holds significance within the agricultural commerce landscape. Manufacturers entrust retailers with the distribution of their products, while retailers, in turn, serve as the vital link connecting these goods to the hands of growers and farmers. For growers, retailers are more than mere suppliers; they are indispensable sources of services and technologies to optimize crop production and enhance quality.

As the custodian of transactional data, Agdata serves the immediate needs of their end customer, the manufacturer, and plays a pivotal role in understanding and supporting their end users – the growers and farmers. By harnessing insights into the preferences, trends, and needs of these agricultural stakeholders, Agdata empowers manufacturers to tailor their offerings effectively, thus fostering a mutually beneficial ecosystem of innovation and growth. Agdata has accumulated the largest data repository of grower reference information to deliver on their service. They wanted to improve this knowledge collection by enabling the best view of farmers and growers, including all relationships and legacy information (aged-out farmers, co-ops).


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What we delivered:

Having a Grower Master solution improves the manufacturer’s ability to distribute and collect rebates for the farmers.  Rebates can range from $0- $billion, as they are based on growers and the products involved.  To qualify for rebates, a grower can buy on behalf of a group of farmers and form a Co-op.  By implementing a master data management solution, Agdata is able to capture and document the complex and evolving relationships between Growers, Farms, Retailers, & Manufacturers.  They can augment existing products and build new products based on new information and insights produced through their MDM solution, adding to their ever-expanding database of grower information.

How we delivered:

D3Clarity’s MDM team was selected as the implementation vendor of choice. Utilizing Semarchy’s xDM product, a data management “Grower Master” solution was designed and implemented to improve the manufacturer’s insight into their customer’s transactions and ability to distribute and collect rebates for the farmers. The solution was integrated with transactional sources who buy agriculture products from the manufacturer and configured to detect duplicate grower and farmer records. A consolidated record showing the best information view for the specific entity was then produced for analytics or consumption downstream.

Customized views were introduced, allowing for the specialized permissions the customer required. All functionality was exposed through APIs for downstream consumption.




Business Value:

Effective data management and strategic insights play a pivotal role in driving success.  D3Clarity delivered both to Agdata with the implementation of Semarchy xDM.

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