Why D3Clarity >> Services


Data governance defines the policies, authority, and procedures that enable data to become valued information.  Data governance is critical if you are a data-driven organization.  Being a data-driven organization means trusting your data and having the right business processes in place. According to a 2021 Gartner Data and Analytics governance survey, 61% of leaders indicated a desire to optimize data for business processes and productivity. Yet only 42% believed they were on track to meet that goal.

Data drives certainty, security, and trust.

data governance


Organizations are Struggling to Get Value on Governance Initiatives

Although data governance has been a hot topic for a long time, organizations continue to grapple with realizing value from their data governance programs for several reasons:

  1. Complexity of Data Environments: Modern organizations have intricate data ecosystems, storing data in various formats, locations, and systems. Managing and governing this complex landscape can be challenging, leading to difficulty in maintaining data quality, consistency, and accuracy.
  2. Lack of Clear Goals and Prioritization: Organizations often initiate data governance programs without well-defined goals and priorities. When the objectives and scope of the program are unclear, it becomes challenging to measure success and allocate resources effectively.
  3. Resistance to Change: Implementing data governance often requires changes in processes, roles, and responsibilities. Resistance to these changes from employees accustomed to existing practices can impede progress and hinder the adoption of governance measures.
  4. Inadequate Resources and Budget: Data governance programs require dedicated resources, including skilled personnel, technology, and budget allocations. Insufficient investment in these areas can limit the program’s effectiveness and hinder its ability to deliver value.
  5. Data Ownership and Accountability Issues: Without clear data ownership and accountability, it can be challenging to enforce governance policies and standards. Ambiguity regarding who is responsible for data quality and compliance can result in data management gaps.
  6. Data Silos: Data governance often struggles to address the issue of data silos, where different departments or teams within an organization maintain separate data repositories. This fragmentation can hinder data governance efforts aimed at creating a unified view of data.
  7. Regulatory and Compliance Challenges: Evolving data privacy regulations and compliance requirements complicate data governance. Organizations must navigate a changing regulatory landscape, which can necessitate frequent updates to governance policies and practices.


To overcome these challenges and extract value from data governance programs, organizations must prioritize clear objectives, allocate sufficient resources, and foster a culture of data accountability and continuous improvement.

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Governance Consulting Experts Overcome Challenges

While some organizations may indeed lack the necessary data governance tools and technologies to support their initiatives effectively, it’s important to emphasize that the majority of challenges faced in data governance are not rooted in technological solutions. In fact, we firmly assert that most organizations already possess multiple technology solutions within their enterprise that hold untapped potential for enhancing governance efforts.

However, having cutting-edge technology alone is insufficient. Without clear objectives, a deep understanding of pain points and the consequences of inaction, a compelling vision of the desired future state, and the necessary resources to execute that vision, even the most advanced data governance tools can’t guarantee success.

This is precisely where D3Clarity steps in to make a transformative impact. Our Data Governance Advisory services go beyond technology, empowering organizations to establish a robust framework for data management that harmonizes with their overarching goals and objectives. Our experienced consultants offer invaluable guidance on best practices in governance, data management, data architecture, and the quantifiable value of governance initiatives. Moreover, we assist in setting up comprehensive guidelines for data use and entity definitions.

D3Clarity’s Data Governance Advisory services are tailored for organizations seeking to bolster their internal teams with seasoned governance experts. Our offering provides dedicated, highly skilled governance consultants who can assume various roles, whether it be serving as an executive coach, analyst, custodian, or data steward, based on the client’s specific needs and governance initiatives. Originally designed for enterprise governance, this service can seamlessly adapt to augment any governance requirements, ensuring your organization’s data governance program not only thrives but also achieves remarkable success.

We are flexible in how we can deliver: ad-hoc consulting, staff augmentation or defined outcomes and can customize any length of engagement.

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