Transforming BP’s Data Landscape: A Case Study in Mastering Equipment Data

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Oil & Gas


MDM Implementation Service


Master Data Management




BP p.l.c. is a British multinational oil and gas company headquartered in London, England. It is one of the oil and gas “supermajors”, providing fuel, energy, lubricants and petrochemicals to consumers.


With 50+ corporate initiatives that consume or edit equipment data, BP faced a formidable challenge in pursuing a consolidated view of their equipment data. With a sprawling network of equipment spanning engineering, maintenance, and operations, they grappled with fragmented data sources and struggled to answer fundamental questions about their equipment. What equipment did they have? Where was it located? How was it utilized? And what were its operational specifications? A single piece of equipment may have different descriptions depending on what job that asset/equipment performed.  As such, each equipment was referred to differently, and the associated equipment name largely depended on a person’s interaction with the equipment asset as it related to their specific tasks.

The absence of a cohesive data model hindered their daily operations to fulfill information product requests and left maintenance functions disconnected from specific equipment, impacting overall efficiency and decision-making.


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What we delivered:

BP’s goal was to produce a data foundation that ensured trusted, coherent, connected, and high-value data that could be used to satisfy a wide variety of equipment and manufacturing stakeholders’ use cases.  To address these pressing issues, BP needed a comprehensive data management solution centered around an equipment-centric data model.

The ultimate vision was to create a global enterprise equipment mastering system to achieve digital twin operations and simulate how a product or process would perform.

Leveraging a Master Data Management (MDM) platform, D3Clarity embarked on creating a Production and Manufacturing Equipment Master solution that could not only navigate data from various systems of record but also visualize relationships among equipment, instrument tags, and work management processes to answer the questions of “How does equipment A relate to the maintenance function of equipment B? What if they are the same?”, etc.

How we delivered:

BP sought an implementation partner to assist with the MDM architecture strategy, data model design, development and domain expertise. The D3Clarity team delivered a transformative production equipment mastering solution. The consolidated system provided a coherent and interactive view of data and relationships across a multitude of critical systems of record.

In delivering this transformative solution to BP, the D3Clarity team embarked on a multifaceted journey, blending expertise with innovation.

  • D3Clarity began by tapping into its extensive oil and gas domain knowledge, gaining a deeper understanding of BP’s unique challenges and industry-specific nuances.
  • With this foundational knowledge in place, the team set out to create a sustainable data model that could adapt and evolve with BP’s dynamic needs and technological advancements.
  • This model served as the cornerstone, providing the flexibility required to accommodate the intricacies of equipment registry and interactions with related data sources.


The MDM technology was used to navigate data from individual systems of record, including the ability to manage the data and create the connections that formed the golden structure or ultimate equipment view. To advance efforts, D3Clarity leveraged its engineering skills to harness the full capabilities and functionality of the chosen MDM platform, aligning it seamlessly with BP’s objectives.

  • Advanced user interface functionalities were developed to allow end-users the ability to seamlessly search and drill down into equipment layers, facilitating data exploration and analysis.
  • A workflow system supported interactive communication, enabling the recording of data issues, insights, and other purpose-driven information.


Simultaneously, D3Clarity’s consultation services came into play, guiding the project with expertise in MDM solution architecture, design, data governance, and the relevant MDM capabilities. This holistic approach ensured that not only was the technical solution robust and scalable but also precisely tailored to address BP’s specific data management needs. Through a collaborative effort, a transformative solution was delivered, and BP’s position of data management for their equipment was fortified. The result is data that can be widely published and trusted by BP stakeholders and data consumers.



Business Value:

Armed now with the ability to visualize relationships between separate data elements of manufacturing and equipment records (enhanced with streaming sensor tag data), BP has experienced significant benefits from the solution, and more importantly, laid the foundation for future growth into more advanced and predictive analytics.  They have connected data that spans software systems and data sources while removing geographical and functional barriers.

In conclusion, the partnership between BP, Semarchy, and D3Clarity exemplifies how mastering equipment data can revolutionize data management, streamline operations, and position a global oil and gas giant for the digital future.

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