Enabling Account 360 for a Leading Software Services Company with Master Data Management


A global software company




High Tech


Data Architecture Service


Master Data Management




This organization is a renowned software company focused on HR services and optimization. With operations spanning multiple countries and serving over 900,000 customers, they specialize in delivering cloud-based solutions that streamline various HR functions, from payroll to talent management.


As a provider of human resources management software and services, it’s imperative to have a 360-degree view of accounts. This software company found itself grappling with inconsistent and fragmented data. This lack of unified, quality data impacted the customer service experience and sales operations.


  • Fragmented data across business units
  • Inconsistencies in account information
  • Hindered customer service
  • Missed sales opportunities


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What we delivered:

The organization had an existing Minimal Viable Product (MVP) and needed further expertise to evolve their application into a fully functional, production-ready system incorporating new data sources, complex matching logic, and dynamic workflow capabilities. D3Clarity implemented ‘survivorship rules’ to consolidate conflicting data into a single, trustworthy view.


  • Tailored MDM solution
  • Data quality and reconciliation
  • Survivorship rules

How we delivered:

Architecture Leadership:

D3Clarity fulfilled an architecture and thought leadership role and provided enterprise best practices for the enhanced solution. 

Design & Configuration:

A specialized data model was developed, incorporating advanced criteria for a comprehensive account view and intricate matching rules.

Data Integration:

With high-quality communication, D3Clarity managed the complexities of data migration and integration of new data valued systems, ensuring a seamless data transition between systems.


The solution delivered the key priorities for marketing and client services by having an accurate, consistent and full view of this organization’s clients, account-specific details, and intercommunication relationships.  Having an account-centric 360-degree solution not only improved customer service but cultivated sales opportunities and increased enterprise efficiencies.



Business Value:

D3Clarity’s unrivaled architecture and extensive MDM experience proved to be invaluable assets in the successful implementation of the 360-degree account solution for this valued customer. By harnessing the power of internal expertise and thought leadership, D3Clarity empowered the organization to achieve a holistic and data-driven approach to account management.

With D3Clarity as your partner, you can trust our commitment to delivering enduring value and transformative results for your organization.

Transform your enterprise into a data-driven powerhouse. Trust in D3Clarity. Because when your data is clear, your future is too.

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