Revolutionizing Multi-Cloud Network Architecture with D3Clarity







Travel & Hospitality


Cloud Architecture Strategy
Cloud Cost Management
Cloud Security Services
Cloud Transit Networking
Content Distribution Networks
Day 2 Production Operations
Infrastructure as Code Automation
Web Security


Amazon Web Services (AWS)


AVIS Car Rental, a global leader in automotive rentals with a presence in over 165 countries, sought to enhance cost-saving strategies in their cloud operations.


In today’s fast-paced automotive industry, enterprises like AVIS face monumental challenges stemming from outdated legacy systems and poor data quality. Incomplete or missing data leads to rising data center costs, limited capacity, prolonged server provisioning times, security inconsistencies, and inventory uncertainties.

Challenge key points to highlight:

  • Rising data center costs
  • Limited capacity and long wait times for new servers
  • Inconsistent security measures
  • End-of-life hardware upgrades
  • Unknown inventory tracking


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What we delivered:

D3Clarity transformed AVIS’s operations through comprehensive enterprise data management and legacy application infrastructure modernization. The turnkey solutions delivered enhanced data quality, robust governance, and a modernized cloud infrastructure, ensuring AVIS stays ahead of the curve in the competitive automotive industry.

Solution key points to highlight:

  • Cloud Infrastructure Hosting: Streamlined cloud architecture for efficient operations.
  • AWS Integration: Leveraged AWS for seamless migration and improved scalability.
  • Agile Infrastructure: Provided agile infrastructure for existing applications.
  • Secure, Reliable, and Affordable: Ensured secure, reliable, and cost-effective cloud solutions.

How we delivered:

Needs Assessment & Definition: An in-depth analysis of AVIS’s existing infrastructure was conducted, identifying pain points and opportunities for improvement. This guided the solution design process.

Project Planning: Through strategic planning, a phased approach to modernize AVIS’s cloud infrastructure was outlined, ensuring minimal disruption to the day-to-day operations.

Design & Configuration: D3Clarity experts meticulously designed and configured a cloud architecture that met AVIS’s specific needs, incorporating AWS for optimal performance.

Data Migration & Integration: Multiple applications were seamlessly migrated to the cloud, ensuring a smooth transition from on-prem data centers.

Testing: Comprehensive testing protocols were implemented to validate the reliability and scalability of the new cloud infrastructure.

Training: Extensive training was provided to AVIS’s team, ensuring they were equipped to leverage the new cloud solutions effectively.

Solution Deployment: The new cloud infrastructure was deployed, with critical applications converted to auto-scaling for peak performance.

Post-Implementation Review & Support: Thorough post-implementation reviews were conducted, and ongoing support was offered to address any further needs.



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