Transactional Affiliate Solution





5,000 - 9,999


Business Services


MDM Implementation Service


Master Data Management




Edenred is an international payment service provider that specializes in specific-purpose payment solutions for companies, employees, and merchants.


Edenred faced a significant challenge with its affiliate and customer data management, stemming from functional deficiencies within existing systems that failed to reflect the business landscape accurately. A Master Data Management (MDM) platform was purchased at headquarters to support a unified view of affiliates and customers globally, as Edenred could not accurately represent all affiliates utilizing Edenred’s products. This limitation posed a considerable obstacle, preventing Edenred from effectively tracking affiliates across various markets and seizing potential business opportunities within those regions. Concurrently, Edenred México was actively involved in addressing master data needs within its core markets of Hispano-American and North America. Leveraging Semarchy’s xDM platform as the global solution, Edenred México took on the responsibility of utilizing the MDM platform to address both global MDM requirements and specific regional needs, consolidating efforts into a unified MDM solution architecture.


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What we delivered:

An affiliate master was implemented to track Edenred’s products in Latin America. The MDM platform’s adaptability facilitated a swift deployment of data hubs in each country, catering to local requirements while maintaining a consistent and user-friendly interface. This newfound flexibility empowered Edenred to efficiently manage both commercial and operational aspects of affiliates in a customizable manner, streamlining administrative processes. With the ability to represent intricate commercial and operational structures, Edenred experienced reduced timeframes for implementing new products and services, resulting in heightened operational efficiencies and enhanced agility in responding to market demands.

How we delivered:

D3Clarity spearheaded the Edenred initiative, implementing an affiliate master solution across Latin America to streamline product tracking. By consolidating commercial and operational structures into a centralized reference, D3Clarity ensured the integrity of affiliate data and effectively mitigated duplication within the system. Leveraging expertise in Semarchy MDM and bilingual proficiency, D3Clarity emerged as the lead implementation partner, providing project support encompassing architectural guidance, development assistance, and overall operational support.

The implementation journey commenced with the orchestration of an MDM architecture design workshop, which compressed months of design activities into a focused week-long session. This intensive workshop empowered the Edenred México team with Semarchy MDM best practices and guided them through exercises to establish an initial data model design, solution architecture, and deployment plan. As a result, a robust affiliate data model was constructed to cater to both individual and organizational entities.

Eliminating redundant data captures from inbound sources improved the user experience and increased customer satisfaction. Furthermore, deploying workflow and governance security rules fortified data integrity and operational efficiency. While the original deployment was on-premises, recent enhancements transitioned the solution to a modernized Azure-based architecture, affirming D3Clarity’s commitment to evolving with Edenred’s needs and ensuring continued support for their MDM solution.



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