

The Location domain within master data management is dedicated to the centralized governance, standardization, and maintenance of physical location data. This can range from countries, regions, and cities to specific addresses of company offices, warehouses, retail stores, or any other significant sites. Proper management of this data ensures consistency, accuracy, and clarity in understanding and referencing spatial contexts across the business.


  • Geopolitical Locations: Countries, states, cities, and regions.
  • Facility Locations: Warehouses, offices, manufacturing plants, and retail stores.
  • Service Locations: Areas or points where services are delivered or available.
  • Physical Addresses: Detailed postal addresses, including street names, numbers, zip codes, etc.


  • Location ID: Unique identifier for the location.
  • Location Name: Common name or designation of the location.
  • Location Type: Specifies if it’s an office, warehouse, city, country, etc.
  • Address: Street address, possibly split into components like street name, number, suite, etc.
  • City/Town: Name of the city or town.
  • State/Province/Region: Applicable regional designation.
  • Postal/ZIP Code: Code representing a specific postal area.
  • Country: Nation where the location resides.
  • Geospatial Data: Latitude and longitude coordinates.
  • Contact Information: Phone numbers, emails related to the location (if applicable).


  • Consistency: Provides a single version of truth for all location-related data.
  • Efficiency: Streamlines logistics, service delivery, and operational activities by leveraging accurate location data.
  • Enhanced Analytics: Enables spatial analysis and location-based insights.
  • Improved Customer Experience: Ensures accurate service or delivery to locations.


  • Data Accuracy: Ensuring that location data is correct, especially for critical operations like shipping.
  • Dynamic Changes: Locations, especially service areas or facilities, can change, requiring updates in the MDM.
  • Localization: Address formats and standards can vary significantly by country.
  • Integration: Synchronizing location data across different systems can be challenging.


  • Hierarchy Domain: Locations often have a hierarchical nature, such as country > state > city.
  • Asset Domain: Assets are typically tied to specific locations.
  • Party Domain: Customers, suppliers, and other entities have associated location data.
  • Operational Systems: ERP, CRM, and Supply Chain systems use and generate location data.

Managing the Location domain effectively in MDM is crucial for businesses that rely on accurate and consistent location data for their operations, analytics, and decision-making. From streamlining logistics to enhancing customer experiences, location data plays a pivotal role. Thus, ensuring its accuracy, consistency, and availability through MDM becomes indispensable for modern enterprises.


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