

The Material domain within master data management encompasses the standardized governance, maintenance, and categorization of raw materials, semi-finished, and finished products. It aims to maintain a consistent understanding and representation of materials throughout the business, ensuring clarity in procurement, production, logistics, and sales processes. The material domain is pivotal in industries like manufacturing, where product quality, consistency, and traceability are of utmost importance.


  • Raw Materials: Base materials used in production processes.
  • Semi-finished Products: Intermediary products that undergo further processing.
  • Finished Products: Completed items ready for sale or distribution.
  • Composite Materials: Materials made up of two or more distinct materials.


  • Material ID: Unique identifier for the material.
  • Material Name: Common name or designation of the material.
  • Material Type: Specifies if it’s raw, semi-finished, finished, etc.
  • Description: Detailed description of the material.
  • Unit of Measure: How the material is quantified (e.g., kilograms, liters).
  • Grade/Quality: Information about the material’s quality or grade.
  • Composition: For composite materials, detailing the constituent elements.
  • Source/Origin: Where the material is sourced or its origin.
  • Storage Conditions: Conditions under which the material should be stored.
  • Shelf Life: Duration for which the material remains usable.


  • Standardization: Ensures a unified representation of materials across systems and departments.
  • Enhanced Traceability: Allows tracking of material sources, quality, and usage.
  • Efficient Procurement: Facilitates streamlined sourcing and purchasing processes.
  • Improved Quality Control: With standardized material data, quality checks become more efficient.


  • Data Complexity: Materials can have numerous attributes, making data management intricate.
  • Dynamic Changes: Material specifications or sourcing can change, necessitating updates in the MDM.
  • Integration with Other Systems: Synchronizing material data with ERP, SCM, or PLM systems.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Ensuring material data adheres to industry-specific regulations.


  • Product Domain: Materials are often components of finished products.
  • Supplier/Party Domain: Information about entities supplying the materials.
  • Location Domain: Storage or sourcing locations for materials.
  • Contract Domain: Contracts related to material procurement.

The Material domain in MDM is essential for organizations to ensure that the materials they procure, process, and distribute are consistent in quality and representation. Effective management of this domain streamlines various processes from procurement to production, aiding in maintaining high product quality and facilitating regulatory compliance. Given the intricate nature of material data, an effective MDM strategy is indispensable to harness its full potential.


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