

The Taxonomy domain within master data management refers to the classification and hierarchical structuring of data elements based on predefined categories, standards, and relationships. Taxonomies help in organizing data in a meaningful manner, facilitating better data retrieval, analysis, and governance. They provide a framework for understanding the relationship between different data elements, allowing for standardized categorization and consistent data management.


  • Product Taxonomy: Hierarchical categorization of products or services.
  • Content Taxonomy: Classification of content types, e.g., articles, videos, images.
  • Organizational Taxonomy: Representation of organizational units, roles, and hierarchies.
  • Industry-specific Taxonomies: Taxonomies tailored to specific industries like healthcare, finance, etc.


  • Category/Class Name: The name of the category or class in the taxonomy.
  • Parent-Child Relationships: Links showing which categories are subsets of others.
  • Description: Detailed description of each category or class.
  • Attributes/Properties: Characteristics or features associated with each category.
  • Associative Relationships: Shows non-hierarchical relationships between categories.
  • Unique Identifiers: Codes or IDs associated with each category.


  • Improved Data Retrieval: Taxonomies make it easier to find and retrieve specific data elements.
  • Consistency & Standardization: Taxonomies ensure data is categorized consistently across the organization.
  • Enhanced Data Analysis: Organized data facilitates better analytics and insights.
  • Improved Data Governance: Taxonomies help in setting clear data governance policies based on data categories.


  • Complexity: Designing a comprehensive taxonomy that covers all data elements can be complex.
  • Evolution: As businesses evolve, taxonomies may need to be updated and revised regularly.
  • Interdepartmental Agreement: Different departments might have varying views on taxonomy structures.
  • Integration: Ensuring the taxonomy integrates well with existing systems and processes.


  • Metadata Domain: Taxonomies often rely on metadata to define and describe data elements.
  • Hierarchy Domain: While taxonomies classify data, hierarchies define the relational structure between them.
  • Reference Data Domain: Taxonomies might reference standardized data to ensure consistency.
  • Product and Service Domains: These often have their taxonomies to categorize offerings.

Taxonomies play a pivotal role in master data management by providing a structured framework for data categorization and hierarchy. An efficient taxonomy not only simplifies data retrieval and analysis but also paves the way for consistent and standardized data governance across the organization. As businesses grow and evolve, maintaining and updating these taxonomies becomes crucial to ensure that they reflect the organization’s current state and needs.


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